Is it true that wearing jade can cure diseases?

"People raise jade, jade raises people", "Some diseases can not be cured, often wearing jade can be cured", "wearing crystal can bring you positive energy, different colors, different shapes, different energy Pay attention to..." In daily life, we often hear these words from the mouths of friends and family, or advertising slogans. In fact, does jade really have these "magic energy"?


Does jade really have health care functions?

Recently, the Internet has become popular. "Jade can cure diseases. There are 106 kinds of jade used for internal and external treatment. The jade can be used for years to achieve the long-term heat-resistant and cold-free effect." Experts say that jade The zinc element can activate insulin, regulate energy metabolism, maintain human immune function, and promote children's intelligent development. It has anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-aging, prevention of senile dementia and other functions.

What is more, because jade is the most abundant substance to store "qi", it often wears activatable cell tissue to achieve the function of health care and longevity. "The ancients often used jade as a medicine to treat diseases. They were recorded in medical works such as "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". So, can jade as an ornament really cure?


Hospital: jade can not be used as medicine

Xinjiang is the birthplace of Hetian jade, and many tourists who travel to Xinjiang hope to bring a piece of Hetian jade as a souvenir. In the jade shops that can be seen everywhere in Urumqi, most of them promote the function of jade health care and treatment.

"90s" girl Xiaoliang likes to travel, but also likes to collect jade crystal. From the sophomore year, she is particularly obsessed with crystal, wearing amethyst on her neck and wearing pink crystal and citrine on her wrist. She said that crystal and jade are good for health, such as treating heart disease, making money, and gathering people. But when asked about the source of these claims, she only said "from the Internet."

The reporter entered keywords such as “Jade” and “Health” on the Internet, and was able to search for many reports on “Jade Treatment and Health Care”. Many consumers are convinced of this. However, the reporter visited a number of hospitals across the country, all of which found any cases of jade medicine. The relevant doctor of the Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University told the reporter: "Jade can not cure the disease, but there are corresponding health functions. For example, patients with body heat can use jade to cool down. In addition, they have never heard of jade can cure diseases."

Geology experts: Some ore will harm health

What is the mechanism of jade treatment? Does jade really have the effect of releasing trace elements? In this regard, Li Zhongzhi, secretary-general of the Xinjiang Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Industry Association, explained this. “Now the merchants are blowing the jade too magically, and some rumors are ridiculous.” He said that the publicity of the jade culture is generally from the spiritual aspect. Starting from the two aspects of health, in terms of spirit, jade is pleasing to the eye and can make people feel refreshed. In terms of health, jade does contain trace elements such as calcium, silicon, iron, magnesium, etc., and exists in a chemical structure. The minerals themselves are crystals. The energy they contain is stored in their own lattice in the form of ionic bonds or covalent bonds. Even if the jade is ground into powder, it is impossible to release trace elements, so it is impossible to treat them with jade. .

Li Zhongzhi believes that jade is a polycrystalline ore with tiny gaps between the crystals. Merchants generally apply paraffin wax when processing jade to make the surface of jade smoother. When the human body is wearing, the sweat that is secreted may penetrate into it, thereby making the jade bright. If the body is not good, the secretions are less, and the paraffin wax of the jade is naturally dim after polishing, but this has nothing to do with the jade itself, so the saying that "people raise jade and jade raise people" is not scientific.

Some Chinese medicine experts told reporters that wearing jade has certain health care functions. For example, bracelets, necklaces, rings and other accessories will massage the corresponding acupuncture points of the human body, which is good for health. But not only jade, but also any accessories can massage the acupuncture points, so there is nothing special about jade.

“Common gemstones are not radioactive and have no healing function, but large zircons are radioactive.” Li Zhongzhi said that in addition to zircon, the more familiar granites also contain radioactive elements, which are generally used in The outer wall of the house is far from the human body. If placed indoors, people will lose their immune function after being exposed to radiation, and they are prone to blood diseases.


Jade is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Jade culture with jade as the central carrier not only deeply affects the traditional Chinese concept, but also becomes an indispensable part of Chinese culture. But while respecting traditional culture, we should also believe in science and not over-deify the jade. Facts have proved that jade can't cure diseases, and it is even more impossible to drive out evils. It is just an ornament.

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