Why can't rings, earrings and necklaces be cheaper? This is the truth...

What is cheap?

What is waste?

The next best consumption is waste

Why buy something more expensive?

Because things are like people, cheap ones are always abandoned.

No woman will go bankrupt because she buys and buys, but many women are wealthy because of thrift.

It is okay to buy expensive and beautiful things and reward yourself for your hard work.

Every time you spend money, you are investing in the life you want. You are willing to pay for those good and romantic, you are worthy of those beautiful and romantic.


Sometimes, we buy not a bag, a lipstick, a piece of jewelry. It is a kind of jealousy for life, and it is rewarding yourself with serious life.

In the same way, the person who loves you, is not a bunch of flowers, a set of hair combs, but a true feeling. Cherish the person who spares money only to make you happy - not because he is willing, but because he is worthy in his heart.

The reason why we spend money to buy something expensive is because we are taking advantage of everything. Always reluctant to treat yourself, will squeeze the rich life into a dry desert.


When you have the ability to make your days better,

Be generous to yourself.

When you don’t perfuse yourself, others naturally don’t dare to perfuse you.

Don't give up what you really like because of your expensive

After all, the jewelry that I liked when I was 20 years old, has no meaning in wearing it at the age of 40.

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