Coolmax trend indicator 2011 (Guangzhou) Network Fair Live Watch

Today (July 1, 2011), the first day of the 2011 (Guangzhou) Online Fairs. Coolmax, Hong Kong's first brand of young creative apparel, is now attending the "2011 (Guangzhou) NetShop" held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center. Booth No. is the first floor of Hall 2 C273C274. Coolmax brand positioning is Hong Kong young creative apparel brand, young people as the main consumer groups. So in the exhibition hall layout is also unique, full of cartoon elements, full of interesting. Badboy is Coolmax's image of the spokesman, created by Coolmax, gave him life, and vividly demonstrated its image to the public, Badboy dare to say the spirit and unique attitude of the trend is that many adolescents recognized and fanatical , Accompanied by young people grow together. Through such a platform, we hope that more people know Badboy, know Coolmax. Company staff and to come to consult the understanding of the customer is ongoing to explain and communicate In this net trade fair, we brought the latest image of Badboy, and the most optimistic attitude of the product life work attitude, every Coolmax people Sign

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