Big eye frog children's clothing brand - the future of network marketing precision marketing trends

What is Precision Marketing? Precision Marketing is to establish a personalized customer communication service system based on the precise positioning and rely on modern information technology to realize the low-cost expansion that the enterprise can measure. Precision marketing is the company's marketing communications that require more accurate, measurable, and high-return on investment, marketing communications programs that require more results and action, and more and more investments in direct sales communications. Network marketing is the trend of marketing development, and business-driven marketing to promote precision network marketing refers to the precise positioning of enterprises in a particular area, to take an effective marketing strategy of the new network marketing strategy. As a small and medium-sized enterprise with only a few hundred thousand in assets, it is the right choice to use the accurate marketing to make low-cost investment in the network and obtain high-income returns. The accurate marketing plan of the enterprise can achieve the effective promotion and dissemination of the enterprise brand through the following strategies , So as to create a high efficiency for the enterprise, enterprises should develop, to survive, not marketing is absolutely impossible, but invest a lot of manpower and resources to marketing is not desirable, then the choice of precision marketing is undoubtedly cost-effective. First, a clear business network marketing purpose There is no purpose of marketing, will only let you the cost of flooding, although many large enterprises have strong capital for Internet marketing, but a lot of money into the market is still no movement, Do not know where the waste of their own went. Therefore, as a shortage of funds for SMEs, good steel to be used to the edge, we must be targeted, take the road of precision marketing, SMEs do network marketing, we must first have a clear market position. Second, a clear network marketing targeted at the target group Internet marketing can not be blind, there must be targeted groups, a clear business products and services for those who are, at least you half of the effectiveness of Internet marketing success. The target population must be specific, in fact, the initial product or brand positioning in the market when the business, it should be clear to their target consumers. Now most of the small businesses are based on experience or follow the trend of the product, there is a product and then consider marketing, and medium-sized enterprises can have a standardized marketing department or can use planning marketing foreign brain, which according to the formal marketing Routine different cards. Therefore, small businesses in the network marketing time must use the precise marketing, clear their target population, in order to get a more effective network marketing results. Third, marketing with effective marketing There are many types of online marketing, forum community marketing, commerce website, business blog marketing, event marketing, social network marketing, search engine marketing, and many others. Take full advantage of the idea of ​​precision marketing, in order to choose a suitable marketing strategy, hit it, so as to minimize the input, the highest efficiency. Accurate marketing has three levels of meaning: First, the precise marketing idea, the ultimate pursuit of marketing is marketing without marketing, reaching the ultimate idea of ​​over-accuracy is gradually. The second is to implement precise system guarantees and instruments that are measurable. The third is to achieve low-cost sustainable development business goals. Network marketing is the core of precision marketing, centralized resources, in the breakdown of the market to create a higher value. Network marketing is the trend of precision network marketing, the future of network marketing, if not in the form of precise marketing, it is difficult to effect, business-to-business marketing that the precise network marketing enterprises should start with the following aspects: 1, the most valuable analysis Of the target customer groups Enterprises need to subdivide their own industry customer base to find their target customer base, to be studied and analyzed, so the market positioning is the key to accurate network marketing. 2, precision and the edge is not a contradiction Many companies think that precision is directed at the direct customers, often marginalized groups, this error is to be avoided. 3, to meet the needs of target customers Customers access to information means diversification, the impulse to buy determines the complexity of corporate network marketing diversification, companies need to carry out precision marketing activities through the integration of resources. 4, Accurately put information points Through the industry customer database, to carry out e-mail marketing and SMS promotion is an effective and accurate marketing methods, keyword ranking can allow companies to invest less to achieve maximum marketing effectiveness. 5, pay attention to the interaction after the information delivery and recovery Precise marketing advertising, do not ignore the interaction, companies need to effectively evaluate the effectiveness of the target customers to carry out timely interaction, shorten the marketing cycle to convert potential customers to purchase customers.