Erdos women's fashion casual charming woman

Ordos Fashion Co., Ltd. in Beijing Erdos Cashmere Group's women's professional products company. In 2006 heavily to create "ERDOS Erdos Women" brand, a registered capital of 14 million yuan. The company mainly to achieve "Ordos" big apparel strategy as its mission, the development of "Erdos" women's brand. Brand positioning in the 30-40-year-old gentle and intellectual white-collar women, in the high-end price, fashion casual style. The company heavily build "famous + teacher" mode of cooperation, hired well-known Chinese top ten fashion designer Wang Hongying as ERDOS Erdos women's product design director (Wang Hongying won the top ten Chinese designer clothing, has served as a number of well-known women's brand design director positions , And repeatedly won the fashion industry awards, product development and positioning have a strong ability to control). Excellent team of designers, professional management elite after nearly 2 years of development, completed the general brand needs 5-10 years of business history. Brand advantage to provide support: 1, to provide customers with strong brand support and protection. 2, for customers in a timely manner to provide four seasons sales of high-grade, women's fashion series. 3, a unified visual image of the store, for each hall to provide detailed decoration programs and display guidance. 4, the company unified product promotional materials (including pictures, posters, promotional materials, etc.). 5, the group company 60 million yuan per year in CCTV and important media for advertising support, women's company will also be in major media, outdoor advertising. 6, to provide guidance to the franchise sales proposals to assist franchisees to carry out staff training. 7, for the franchisee to provide high quality fast customer service, timely help franchisees to solve the problem. 8, Common Erdos products and related professional product marketing network to form the overall integrated marketing network, to achieve customer resource sharing.